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Trips for me

Trips for me is a travel app concept that takes into consideration your preferences and suggests modifiable trips in major cities.


The inspiration for the app came when I thought about visiting Montreal in summer 2020 for a few days but realized I had so many questions like, "Which places I should visit? Wait, I don't even know any places in Montreal" and "If I find the places, will I be able to complete my trip in time?"
This got me thinking, "It would be nice if there was an app that could answer these questions."

the problem space


There are a lot of travel apps that are designed to convey travel experiences and recommendations but none of them provided that information in a way that could be easily extracted. This means going through long blog posts which may include places you aren't planning to visit or lacking information on how to get from location A to B effectively. I decided to design a travel app that would suggest trips in major cities based on the user's preferences, allowing them to quickly glance at the places they can visit, the author's thoughts on the place and how to get there.

The App

The app

You can start directly on the home screen with the ability to select/change your preferences which include the city, type of locations you like and the duration. On the trip cards, you can check the title, author's name, the number of likes and the duration of the trip.

1 new.gif
2 new.gif
Place details.gif
Modify trip.gif
Saved trips.gif

Once you choose to view a trip, you will see the location cards along with travel cards that provide information on how to get from one place to another and how much time it will take. You can also see an interactive map below the cards, giving an overview of the trip.

Using the location cards, you can read the trip author's take and learn more about the place and various points of interest.

If not all the locations in the trip are to your liking, you can remove certain places and the trip will be reorganized based on the remaining locations. You can also like, share and save the trip (along with any modifications).

All your liked and saved trips can be found in the "My Trips" section of the app. All the saved trips will include any modifications you might've made.

  • Thanks to the creators of the icons and assets used in this app

    • Icons made by Roundicons from

    • Icons and map made by Freepik from

    • filters by Michael Zenaty from the Noun Project

    • Favourite by andrewcaliber from the Noun Project

    • Share by Тимур Минвалеев from the Noun Project

    • edit by iconsphere from the Noun Project

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